wild things happen in stillness

tess guinery

listening is the thread that has run through my entire life.

listening to others, listening inwardly, to nature and the world around me. as a deeply sensitive and intuitive soul, this way of being is as natural to me as breathing - a gift, as well as my greatest source of pleasure, peace and vitality. i also believe it to be the seed of a life lived from the heart - with flow, connection, presence, joy, freedom and purpose. 

a serious knock to the head in my mid twenties and the ensuing onslaught of symptoms i was left to navigate led to a temporary departure from this way of being, a season of my life marred by chronic pain, headaches, fatigue and a humming anxiety that built to the point of ultimate dislocation, a sense of disconnection from my body.

many wonderful people and practices wove together to form my winding meander back to me, to ease and freedom, to flow and joy. at the very heart of it were the quiet essences of holding, by others and of myself, embodiment and stillness. essences that create the safety and space to surrender, to awaken, to truly listen. and in turn, to reorient ourselves, to journey back to our source, to reconnect and to reclaim our nature.

these essences are at the heart of my work, enmeshed with sound, meditation, breath, gentle movement, reflexology, inquiry, presence and ritual. 

i’d always love to hear what is on your heart. pop me a message or an email if you’d like to chat or to discuss journeying together. 

with love, lucy 

my foundations

  • in deep gratitude and reverence for the wisdom and heart of my guides and teachers - gurdrun, sudhir, payal, leyla, paul, katie, alan, robin, louise, jolie, sally, holly, sofia and many others

    member of association of reflexologists (mar)

    level 3 diploma in reflexology with the london school of reflexologists

    maternity reflexology with sally earlam

    200 YTT ashtanga-vinyasa with sampoorna yoga, india

    50 YTT holistic yin yoga with swara yoga, portugal

    100 YTT yin yoga and meditation with karuna yoga

    CCB breathwork with alan dolan

    crystal bowl sound healing with holly husler